So, last week when we were soaking in the last little bit of summer time we took a few mornings and worked on organizing the beach house storage room and new rec space. I told you briefly about this space last couple months…we are moving right along…..
This pic shows how far we moved the wall….the golf cart is in front of the new storage room…The rec space is behind the storage room. It ended up being 12 x 19 which is a really good size room for the kids. And the storage room has enough space to store our golf cart along with beach toys and tools that we use down there. We had a set of double doors installed and it worked perfectly for the golf cart because we can just pull right in.
Last year I told you that we may bump out the back of this house but doing this storage and rec Space along with the small bathroom that we did now has us really comfortable for having a few more people at the beach with us.
I will go into more details about the plan for this room in a few weeks but I wanted to share with you the progress so far. Cobwebs….and more cobwebs…so much vacuuming….
Puddy knife+shopvac were my weapons of choice;)
Since our house is up on stilts, it makes the underneath of our house a perfect spot to add a couple rooms. All we needed to do was move the wall to the original storage space and push it towards the street making room for this rec room space.
We went to Lowe’s and purchased two track lights for this space along with a shop light for the storage area. We are going to have an electrician run some outlets so that we can hang a TV on the wall as well as a small air conditioner unit.
My parents are thinking of going in October to spray the entire room white:) I recently shared a video on instagram of this space;)
My thinking is to build in a long bench of sorts that will be the same size as a twin extra-long mattress to create a large L-shaped seating area that also doubles as sleeping space. Since we are just 3 blocks from the beach we are considered a flood zone even though the water has never risen more than about 4 inches you never say never so we didn’t want to spend a lot of money on furnishings but yet at the same time have it be really comfortable. Should be an easy install since the studs are all exposed. We have been so happy with the Walmart “temperpicish” mattress that we bought about 3 years ago that I’m thinking of using the twin extra-long size of the same mattress. Those will run about $140 which is really kind of a steal. I will only need three of them so basically I will have my sofa and bed for a total of $450:)
As always I will be sure to keep you up to speed on how it is goin:)
Hope you have a great day!!