Be inspired to be clever….
It is a word that gets seldom used anymore…clever…but I have always loved it. My Grammie used to say to me, “gee Tracie, that is so clever…” It is a word that warms my heart.
Setting out to come up for a catchy little phrase that was to describe my little blog…clever popped in my head. My mission…with this blog…and anything that I write here is to inspire you to be clever in your own life. I hope you find projects here that you go out and do for yourself…and I hope you enjoy every minute of it.
There is a sense of accomplishment that is so powerful when you can say…”yes, I made that…” A sense of pride is always a good thing. I am a firm believer that you are never supposed to stop learning. And the best part about learning something new is to share it with someone else. I am always sharing…new recipes, projects, decorating tips, a trash to treasure, remodeling ideas the list goes on and on. My hope is that you enjoy learning too…and you pass it on.

Just a bit of my background…I studied Communications and Visual Art (mainly photography) at the University of Dayton (go Flyers!) and I graduated in 1995. I have twins who are 15 (yikes!!) and am fortunate to be married to my very best friend (we met at UD). He is a southern boy… born and raised in Kentucky…and I have made it my home too.
I truly feel that I have found what I have been looking for. A place to share all the things I love most…while being here for our kids…I really do love what I do.
I started this blog in Oct. 2010 as a way to “pass on” recipes, projects and personal notes about our family to our kids. I envision my daughter and son being off at college and wondering how I made something… made a family recipe….and they can always have that information at the tip of their fingers. CleverlyInspired has grown into so much more than I could have ever imagined. I truly love what this blog brings to my life….to share all my passions for creating with all of you every day…well, all I can say is that is has been such a blessing.
You can always catch me in between post on my favorite social networks…
For a complete view of past projects…be sure to visit the project gallery. To learn a bit more about me….you can visit the “personal notes” tab under the About me section. And to see where I have been featured…. I love to design and pull rooms together for people. Visit Design Services tab to find out more.
Someone is using your photos and selling your instructions as a download:
If you need to contact the Listia moderators, try this:
(347) 254-7842
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Thank you for letting me know :)
My daughter in law(Jess), introduced me to you and your sites. Thank you for sharing all your wonderful, creative ideas, with all the rest of us who are looking to be inspired.
Jess just completed doing the brick of her fireplace using your “First project 2011 whitewashing” (fireplace brick), guidelines. I too have been looking to do something with the brick wall of our fireplace. We recently bought this house and the fireplace was done in the early 60’s. I’m sure for that time this type of brick was very…..attractive looking (so to speak). The best I can describe the color is, varying shades of pink. My question is in doing the white wash paint and since the brick color is lighter then the brick you and Jess both had on your fireplaces, would you suggest perhaps adding a little gray paint to the white paint? Or, just do more then one coat of the white until the pinkish color is gone? Lastly, if I use a flat paint (I don’t want the brick to have any shine to it) will I need to be concerned about the paint ever flaking or peeling? I greatly appreciate your advice.
Hi there! Thanks for the sweet words! I would add a touch of gray paint if the brick is really pink. You’ll be fine with a flat paint. :)
I just found your blog and love it! Was reading your bio and realized your a Flyer and now I love your blog even more! I’m also a UD communications graduate. Keep up the great work, I can’t wait to try some of your ideas.
Welcome Flyer family!
I loved the countertop you created using wood. I am looking for an inexpensive way to remodel a countertop and don’t want to spend a lot of money. Would wood work as a countertop in a kitchen and a bathroom. I saw someone on your website say that marine polyurethane (used on boats) would seal the wood and prevent water damage. What are your thoughts on this? Have a blessed night. Thank You, Jackie
I loved the countertop you created using wood. I am looking for an inexpensive way to remodel a countertop. Would wood work as a countertop in a kitchen and a bathroom? I saw someone on your website say that marine polyurethane (used on boats) would seal the wood and prevent water damage. What are your thoughts on this? Have a blessed night. Thank You, Jackie
Hi there! Yes, marine varnish would work great. If you don’t want it so glossy and thick you could use 3 or 4 coats of high quality polyurethane. It will hold up well too. Just be sure to do several even thin coats in lieu of one or two thick coats.
Hi Tracie,
I wanted to let you know that I have included your doily table decorations in our top list of DIY Doily craft ideas.
I would be honored if you checked it out and if you love it, feel free to share it on Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter.
Keep on crafting!
I still cannot find the sweater that you pinned on Pinterest…nice short open, and fit-all sweater. Can you help me with this?
Visited Homearama house #15 this past Sunday. Beautiful home!
i was not clear at all as to what product you used on your kitchen floor and entry way and powder room when you painted it white. how did you get it so shiny?
could you please forward answer directly to my email plz.
I wanted to know what you did to the wine bottles to make them so pretty new to your blog and I’m signing up so I will get you all the time thank you so much.