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Chocolate Chip Whoopie Pie Recipe
Baking Recipes

Chocolate Chip Whoopie Pie Recipe

Hey there! Thanks for all your sweet words…yall are the best. I have decided to get back to basics with this little blog. I think in recent years I have become more concerned with putting content out there and less concerned with the quality of the content. I started this blog to catalogue recipes and ideas for my kids….so that someday when they are off living their life outside of this home…they will have all my recipes and thoughts at their finger tips. I am getting back to that mission. I may post less….but my hope is that when I do decide to post…that you may find it helpful and interesting too. Like I said a few weeks back….blogging has really changed in the past few years. I can admit that I was more concerned with “pinning” and sharing rather than concerned with what I posted was actually worth sharing. Thanks for sticking with me…and hopefully you will continue to pop in to see what I am up to:)

2 point Brownie Cupcake Recipe no artificial ingredients
Baking Recipes

2 point Brownie Cupcake Recipe no artificial ingredients

My bff as lost almost 20 lbs since January doing Weight Watchers. Since we talk often…we have chatted about all the fun recipes out there that reduce your sugar intake…but don’t taste like cardboard:) Some of the “low cal” recipes call for some funky ingredients. Not this one….not one thing artificial in this cupcake:) This is a recipe that I tried a few months back…and it is a huge hit with everyone in my house. I have really started to keep a closer eye on the sugar we are eating….and this recipe is low sugar but high on taste. Even if you aren’t on Weight Watchers…this is a great treat to make…