If you have been reading my blog for a long time, you know that I have hosted our family Thanksgiving for a long time. I love setting the table, picking the music, making the food (with help:)…I love the whole day. It is a favorite holiday around our house. Every year, I like to set the table and include a favor of some sort. There are few linked up here that I have done in the past.
This year, I decided to take advantage of some of the pretty printable paper on etsy. Search fall printable paper—you may get overwhelmed by the choices. I made a 5×7 candy bar wrapper to place on every plate. Tune in on social media (instagram stories) to see the table come together this weekend:)
If you would like to make up some of your own….just right click this photo and save it. You can fit 2 on an 8×11 piece of paper. I had mine printed at an office shop so that the colors would be true. They turned out really sweet :) punnnnnnn…. I am going to match up my fresh flowers with the paper (cause I am completely ocd that way;)
Happy weekend friends!
Wrapped Hershey Bars