Hey yall! Have I seemed preoccupied? I have been in a writing funk for sure….It is normal I suppose after a consecutive 7 years of blogging…too go through slumps and periods of disinterest. I think that blogging has changed so much in the past 3 years. There is some really great content out there…and then there is also some folks just repeating what has been out there for a long time. I find myself in a bit of a quandary….do I take a break or do I muddle through? My mission is to share clever ideas—ideas that you couldn’t find somewhere else—unique projects and recipes—and I still love doing those things and sharing them. Lately it seems I haven’t had any really fun ideas to share….my mojo is low! It happens…and I know something will spark me again…and I will want to share. When I started blogging in 2010, it was before pinterest, smartphones, Facebook was young, no instagram….Now it seems there are so many sources to gather inspirations—blogs are so old school. Now when you blog…you have to be diligent about sharing it everywhere just to be heard. One blog post takes about 3 hours beginning to end…photos, story, editing, sharing….it is a lot more work than most people think. I still love it….I just don’t have much to share right now. I hate to publish a post and think to myself “that post is kind of lame…” that is a sucky feeling. I always want to be respectful of your time. If I don’t feel like something is worth reading than it should never be published. So if it seems a bit quiet over here…just know that I will be here when something is interesting and worth sharing. I don’t want to ever just “post to get a post out”. I hope you understand and stick with me;)
In the meantime, if you are looking for inspiration…start with this post that started this little blog….My favorite DIY Art piece.

I appreciate your posts and will be here, when and if you post. In the meantime, keep instagraming – I love seeing your adorable pups ??
You are the best….xoxo
Oh I understand – i started my most recent blog in 2009 and yes – things have changed drastically. Like, I don’t even recognize blogland anymore. And Instagram is somewhat more fun, especially for those more interested in pictures than long stories. Back in the day, blogs could more easily become viral and suddenly people would have book deals. Like that NYC bouncer who wrote anonymously about the club life on his blog and suddenly he had a book deal, lol. Those were fun times to be blogging!
I have gotten tired of the shelter /design blogs because so many of them are just repeating and rehashing all the stuff that is already trendy – don’t worry about trying to force your blog to stay the same forever – sometimes you gotta switch gears a little in order to get the juices flowing again. cheers!
I’m doing my regular Sunday morning design blog read and came across this post (sad face). I’ll keep checking because you know you were my first design blog I ever stalked…lol. I’ve gone through ‘ruts’ myself…I get it. This too shall pass :)