Hey hey…happy Monday! Hope you had a great weekend. It’s that time of year where we have a ton of extra candy in the house….send me some will power would you? My friends at Hershey’s sent a ginormous box of candy asking me to share with you a fun Halloween craft idea. Of course my kids think that I must realllllly be important now—since Hershey sent me candy…#ornot.

ghost halloween craft @cleverlyinspired (5)

So I put my creative hat on and thought that I would create something that would be cute to make for Halloween week. These little friendly ghosts would be so cute to do for a classroom party too. It really is easy enough for preschoolers to put together I suppose you could make some with black balloons and spider legs—go crazy I say!

ghost halloween craft @cleverlyinspired (3)

All you will need is some Hershey candy to eat while you craft of course….along with

    • white balloons
    • black contact paper
    • white tissue paper
    • scissors
    • double sided tape
    • dowel rods (you could hang them with clear fishing line too)

ghost halloween craft @cleverlyinspired (1)

  • fold in half 5 pieces of tissue paper and cut until you are about 1.5 inches for center fold. My strips are about 1/2 inches wide.
  • Blow up the balloons
  • Cut out 2 oval  shaped eyes and adhere to balloon.
  • with tape, attach the dowel rod to the bottom of the balloon.
  • Separate tissue and fold at center.
  • Place a long strip of double sided tape on the tissue and stick onto the bottom of the balloon going around the bottom.
  • Repeat with 2 more pieces of tissue for a full effect.
  • BOO!!

ghost halloween craft @cleverlyinspired (6)

Going to share another fun Halloween idea this week…and some other fall goodness.

ghost halloween craft @cleverlyinspired (7)

Remember to pop in on instagram and tag me #instafallchallenge15 all your fall projects and decorating! I would love to see!


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Tracie Stoll is a wife, mom and has a passion for creating new things. On her blog Cleverlyinspired.com she is constantly sharing ways to inspire her readers to be clever in their own home. Since 2010 Tracie has been sharing DIY projects, crafting, remodeling and decorating along with some easy tasty recipes...all on a mindful budget. She is a graduate of the University of Dayton where she studied visual art and communications. Tracie has been featured on popular sites such as Country Living, CNN living, Good Housekeeping, Better Homes and Gardens, Huffington Post, Apartment Therapy, Seventeen and Design Sponge. She is also a member of the True Value Blog Squad & Martha's Circle of trusted bloggers.

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