We finished this sofa table awhile ago….as in 2.5 years ago. We placed the table behind the sofa against the windows. I was so excited to get it in the room that I decided not to stain the back. I’m super lazy like that….(equally fitting title for this post would be “World’s most patient sofa table…”..if you go back and read the post about making it…that will make sense:)
Anywho, I was rearranging the room a bit after Christmas and I decided to see what the table looked like this way…so you can see it right when you walk in the room. We love it here! It is a nice separation from the kitchen and I can display a few things on it too—although I’m not done with that either:) So now that the table wasn’t against the wall anymore you could see the unstained wood on the back.
I debated putting it back against the window wall….like I said, I’m super lazy like that. Did you not hear me the first time? Are you new here? Anywho, it was like a little mail miracle when I received these staining cloths from Minwax to try out. They are a brand spankin new product…and I am LOVING these little baby-wipes-of-stain-loveliness. Seriously the bomb of stain products in my humble opinion.
I didn’t even have to move the table people. I left if right where it was in the family room….took off the handy dandy gloves from the back….took a wipe out and that was it. Done and done in like 2 minutes time. Dries in an hour. Tell me if this isn’t genius…totally genius right?!?!
While we are here in the family room…I need your opinion….Would you paint the large corner tv unit? Funny thing is…it used to be white….when we first moved in (10 years ago)….but I had it painted dark brown about 6 years ago. Now I am thinking it should be white again….thoughts?!?! It kind of sucks the light out of this room…..I also think it may be time to update the window curtains to something a bit airier…thoughts? I love how cozy this room is…but decorating it gives me hives for some reason. It has really never seemed finished to me….I digress….Any thoughts are helpful:)
And go buy yourself some stain cloths….you will love them!!!
(thanks Minwax for sending me some to try….you know I am a fan:)

Paint the tv armoire white….it will brighten the room and balance the shelves on the other side. I’ll be honest I am not keen on the sofa table where it is now. It is a bit long for the sofa and seeing the space on either side of the sofa is distracting. I absolutely love the shelf and the ability to display things…..I am a collector myself ;) so not sure if there is something you can place on either side to take away from the “space”. But never mind me……if you love it that’s all that matters :)
The sofa table looks good….I like the new setup. I would paint the TV cabinet white. It would help balance the room seeing as you have a white built-in on the other side (at least it appears to be a built-in). Keep us posted :)
I like the sofa table too, but I would use a colorful paint for all furniture in the room