It kind of drives me batty when I come downstairs in the morning during summer break and my kids immediately ask me what there is to eat. Kind of like in a restaurant…when you see your waiter…”waiter…can you get me some water….and butter…and warm pancakes?” I was hoping to curb a little of that this year…so I came up with a list for the fridge for them to reference.
Ideas for breakfast, lunch and snacks….along with some friendly “nag-free” reminders. I suppose with little ones you could use some picture clues for their list. All about fostering an independent kiddo right:)!?!?
I was thinking you may like to have the list for your house too…good luck :)
It’s not to say that I won’t get up and make a warm breakfast on some mornings…but on an everyday basis…this will do.
You can right click on the picture below to print ;) I hope it brings you peace my friend….
What would you add to the list?
Speaking of summer….just wondering…do you still have time in the summer to read blogs? Historically, my site traffic goes down in the summer…so I am just curious. I may scale back my postings in June and July to 2 a week…depending on how much I have to share. Your thoughts? I would love for you to tell me;)
Also, I am going to replace Tech Tuesday with a fun new summer series….more on that next week;)

LOVE this idea! I have the same problem during the summer!!
What a great idea! Love this! Mine are constantly asking that very question..”What can I eat?!”