Marian is a force to be reckoned with when it comes to painting. She is one of a kind in her field…and there are thousands who are trying to duplicate what she does. So much so …that she was recently contracted to create her own custom paint line with Homestead House paints and write a how to book about her painting techniques. Her success is young…but she hasn’t let any of it go to her head. Her mission…”move mountains in your home” is based on the Bible verse Matthew 17:20
“Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”
Kind of a great mantra to live by in my opinion….and she does move mountains. Marian is inspiring to me and I know she will be to you also. Thank you Miss Mustard Seed for participating…you are truly a gem ;)
1. If you could bring back one trend from the past…what would you bring back?
I love old homes that were built with symmetrical windows that are designed to capture the best light and cross breezes.
2. If I were a dog…what kind would I be?
I’m a cat person….
3. Something you never leave out when designing a room….
At least one antique or statement piece.
4. If money were no object….I would buy _______ today….
A new leather sofa and hardwood floors.
5. If I wake up in the middle of the night…the first thing I think about is usually ___________…..
Honestly…what time is it and how much longer to I have to sleep!
6. When I go in a friends house…I usually end up in the ______________…
I am one of those people who asks for a tour of the entire house.
7. My favorite way to eat ice cream is __________________…
In a chocolate dipped waffle cone.
8. One design regret I have is ___________________
Wow…I don’t think I have any. When there’s something I don’t like, I change it or sell it.
9. What is your favorite thing about blogging?
I have found some wonderful friends and it’s made so many of my professional goals possible.
10. Coffee?Tea?Milk? What is your comfort drink?
I don’t drink coffee, tea or milk. Diet Dr. Pepper is my comfort drink, but I mostly drink water.
Go say hi to Marian at Miss Mustard Seed…

Love this series, Tracie! Miss Mustard Seed is one of my faves:)
Love these one sentence interviews! I’ve been reading MMS for a long time and still learned new things today – thank you for this feature.
LOVE LOVE LOVE Miss Mustard Seed! Can’t wait to meet her at Haven! This series is so fun, thanks for sharing!