Hi all! Hope you had a great weekend and start of December. I shared some of these photos a few weeks back on instagram but I wanted to pop in and share them on the blog too. I created some lovely DIY flower arrangements with just a few items from my local grocery store. These came together really quick and much easier than I thought they would. I thought that you may like a few of these tips in you were planning to decorate for any holiday parties.
I spent just $20 at the grocery store flower section (and I made 2 large arrangements with those flowers.) I bought 4 white hydrangeas, 12 crimson carnations, and manager’s special section had discounted ferns so I bought 2 packages of those.
I soaked a piece of floral foam in water and then placed it in the base of my container. I did these arrangements on Tuesday of Thanksgiving week…and they lasted beautifully for about a week (actually, the only flowers that started to wilt were the hydrangeas, the carnations and ferns were still going strong and would have lasted another week!) I read online that it is best to use a super sharp knife to cut a fresh cut on the stem prior to placing in the form (I always had used scissors in the past….knife was much easier!)
Start with the largest stems (which was my white hydrangeas. I kept the leaves on these because they were a nice filler. I added in the carnations….placing 6 in each container.
After I had most of the color arranged, I cut ferns and added them in wherever I needed a bit of fullness….
I had some springs of gold pics left over from another project, so I placed a few of these in the arrangement.
It was much easier than I thought it was going to be….I love how these turned out! I felt so good that I only spent $19 on 2 large arrangements.
If you are still searching for that perfect gift….I am offering a discount on my custom watercolors….good through the end of the day! Current ship time is 4 days. Order now! Click on the shop link to see the etsy shop:)