Hey hey there! I haven’t done a 5 for the road in a few weeks so I thought I would end this week with a few little fun tid bits that I have found lately. We are on our way to the beach for the week so I’m going to be off next week. If you are new here be sure to check out the sidebar for past projects and as always there’s a search at the top of the page if you’re looking for something specific.
I am looking forward to chilling out with the fam for the week. It is funny to me how it is so expected that people go places for spring break now. Growing up nobody ever went anywhere—I didn’t really go on “spring break” until college. It is easy to feel like you have to go somewhere…”everyone else is going somewhere…we really should go somewhere and make some memories.” My most memorable family vacation was in the dead of winter….my parents rented a conversion van and we drove through the night from Milwaukee to Philadelphia to see family over the Christmas break. My brothers and I were so “punchy” by the time we got there that we were non-stop laughing….Anything that came out of our mouths was hilarious. We arrived in the morning…like 8:00am and my brother ordered french fries when we stopped to eat—I still find it hilarious. I may have peed my pants (and I was in high school.) Goes to show you….you don’t need a fancy destination…you don’t need to travel in your pact….you don’t even need a hot sunny day. All you need is togetherness…and you will be making something memorable. Just something to think on;)
We will be meeting with a contractor about our remodel and I’m sure to be spending a bit of time at the beach. I’m not one of those people who need it to be 90 to enjoy the beach I will be down there whether it’s 60, 70 80’s. Just to sit and listen to the waves is therapy enough for me.
I am happy to be a member of Jen’s contributor list again this year. I am going to be sharing some recipes over at Jen’s once a month. I will be also sharing them here after she post them. If you haven’t checked her block out you really must she is one of my blogging mentors and is a true original. Check out her blog on Monday….sharing a yummy low sugar dessert:)
I bought this fanny pack on Amazon and then I checked to make sure I wasn’t 80;) But seriously it is a pretty great invention if you’re wearing yoga pants or workout gear and you’re trying to walk your dog. This fanny pack isn’t real big (and only $8!) but it’ll hold your phone some doggie bags and treats so that you can walk efficiently. Let’s make it a trend shall we!?
My friend Amanda has been busy spray painting some thrift store finds and she told me that this tent is all that and a bag of chips. You can find it on Amazon and it will make all your spring spray painting that much easier. She could not believe I did not have one and quite frankly I cannot either. This will be a purchase for sure for me this spring! Thank you so much for sharing Amanda!
My nephew is getting ready to graduate from high school which is completely unbelievable to me. I remember going to Charleston the week after he was born to meet him and I’m pretty sure that was last week. It really amazes me that he is off to college next year. Since I’m a huge fan of decorating for a party I told my sister-in-law I would be happy to put together some decorations together for his party this spring. I have a board going Pinterest stop on by if you want to follow along…
Trying to decide what island post I like the best….what would you choose? Leaning towards #2…. (homearama…not our house:)
I recently finished this book that was really good. It starts off a little bit slow but it’s a bit like a mystery and I really enjoyed the characters. This author is the same as a Hundred Summers that I had suggested to you last year. Really well-written and fun to read.
If you are local you can find my Derby clutch purses at Lulu Belle’s in Norton Commons and also out in Middletown at the Cozy quilter on Shelbyville Road. I’ve had a lot of fun making them and they are extremely unique so if you’re going to Derby this year go and grab yours because I’m not making anymore in this fabric….
I hope that you have a great week next week. Be sure to check in on your favorite social media and find out what pictures I’m sharing!