Remember awhile back I told you about a charity playhouse that I helped design? There were a few fun projects that I created for the playhouse that I never got around to sharing with you. The sign for the front of the train station was made with some scrap pine wood and my printer. I wanted to show you how you can make a sign without a fancy vinyl printer….just a bit of tracing and a sharpie:)
This sign just takes a bit of time….but it was really easy to make. Here is how I did it….
- Print out your saying on regular printer paper.
- Cut out the saying and tape to a piece of pine wood (pine works great for this project because it is soft)
- With a ball point pen, trace the letters onto the wood (pressing firmly)
- After you have traced the letters, remove the paper and trace the indention lines with the pen again.
- Go back over the letter with a black sharpie.
- I decided to apply a stain (with a dry brush—meaning not a lot of stain was on the brush) to age the sign.
- Sand down lightly with a little sand paper to rough it up.
It turned out great! However, the sign you see below was a holy-moly-we-forgot-to-take-the-sign-off-the-playhouse-before-it-was-moved-to-the-homeshow….so my sign that I made actually fell off somewhere in between where it was built and the home show. I scrambled to get a new one made in time and actually ended up finding a local vinyl cutter and made it that way. It tuned out great….but I did like the one I made a bit more because I was able to sand it and make it look old. You can’t really sand vinyl….but still looks great. I made a ticket sign too with some scrap pine….
To read more about the playhouse….and how it came to be…check out these post:)