It is funny how paths cross.
I met my husband while passing in the parking lot outside our dorms at UD. He looked up and said “Hi darlin..” Sidenote: “darlin” will always work….especially in a true southern accent. Always… in case there are any college age males in the audience…cue crickets:) Another sidenote: strange to think if we were in college today….we might have been looking down at a smartphone instead of looking up at passersby. Just a random thought…moving on:) Our paths happen to keep crossing for several weeks (some on purpose;) until we finally went out and the rest is history.
When Bill and I were barely looking for a new home…we stumbled across the home we ended up buying. Technically we were lost…our neighborhood is almost a small city…and it is easy to do. We walked through the home…that was still very under construction…and we fell in love with it. It was literally the perfect home for us. Even though the walls were not up…we could see it all—and it was so us. Thankful for that path that we may have never found if we were looking for it on purpose.
Fast forward a few weeks to when we sat down with our builder. We shook hands…introduced ourselves…found out we all have a deep love for the UD Flyers…our builder is a UD grad from back in the day….and he attended the same high school as my husband. We immediately knew we had met a new life long friend. Mark Simpson is a small custom builder here in Louisville. His attention to detail is job one. He only builds a few homes at a time….so he is on the job site everyday. Mark takes his homes very personally…and he wants to know how you use a home too (down to where you keep your vacuum…so that the shelves in the closet are not too close…and how many shoes you own….where you hang your coats and purses…etc…) Every detail is thought out. He was truly a joy to work with and he has become our friend. Lucky for those paths to cross…
Fast forward again…he is working on a new project. Mark will be involved in the local Charity Homes tour and he has asked my help with the design. I couldn’t be more thrilled! Every year our town holds a Charity Homes tour. Local builders create custom home masterpieces…tickets are sold for folks to tour the homes. The money for the tickets will go to various local charities. There is also a charity “play home”….this year Pat Durham (another local builder) and Mark will work together to create a custom play home for a deserving family. They asked me to help with the design…how stinkin fun is that!?!?
I will be sharing more about this entire process…and this incredible deserving single mom who will have this years playhouse in her yard. She is a single mom to 3 children (2 are special needs) and a full time school teacher. She does more in one day then most people do all week. Her positive attitude and loving nature are infectious…and I cannot wait to see all the good come her way.
Her home is really sweet however…it needs some help. What I have always been taught is use your talents…to make a difference for others. Well, God sent me to help her….I know it. Mark and a group of volunteers have offered to paint her home. I contacted the fine folks at Sherman Williams and they were excited to help too! They offered to supply all the paint. How awesome it that?
And of course…you know I will do what I know—share a fabulous before and after. It will be so fun to see the transformation.
And because you know I cannot leave a post without at least one picture….here is the before….
I will share with you the colors I suggested…along with some other details next week. Meanwhile, if you are so inclined to helping us…help this very deserving hard working momma….feel free to click the paypal button on the sidebar where it says donate. She mentioned that her water heater is about to bust…so I am hoping to raise enough to replace that for her:) Any help is appreciated!
Have a great weekend:)

I’ve enjoyed our blog for a long time. This entry helps me know a little more why. Being so involved in a project such as this is a gift to the teacher, obviously, but the desire and ability to do so is a gift to you from God. It’s wonderful how many such people He’s planted here. You’re to be admired for using your gift and appreciated as well.