I am knee deep in boxes. AT&T still has yet to install our internet service. It’s like we’re in the dark ages….with the exception of smart phones and the occasional hotspot usage:) The new house is working out really well. We are all still getting settled….and will be for some time I’m sure. I have spent most of my time in the kitchen….and loving every moment. It truly is the heart of this home….I have really enjoying sharing the whole process with you on instagram and facebook…
I wanted to pop in and share with you the coolest shower curtains. I know. ..shower curtains are so exciting right? :) One of the biggest reasons that we decided to move was because be wanted to give Emily her own bathroom. She has had a ball getting it all dressed up! We found the shower curtain on a website called society6.com. It is where artists can sell pieces that are original….and place their artwork on anything from pillows to shower curtains to t-shirts. This is so unique and it fits this bathroom so perfectly!
Conner’s is so fitting for him. It is a spoof off of Facebook. The “shower curtain” who is in a relationship with LimeScale…complete with bathroom humor….so boy and so fun too. I bought it on Nordstorm.com…only $25.
Sorry for such poor pictures….hoping to set up my office this weekend and get back to work a bit:)
Have a great weekend friends!