Sometimes the easiest little project yields the biggest rewards. These gift wrap book covers are case in point. My friend Chelsea covered some books last year with some adorable fabric….every since I saw that post I wanted to create something similar. These book covers can class up any bookshelf…from blah to AHHH!
I made these for a client who is having me design her family room. I will be sharing her whole new family room with you soon. It is such a fun transformation!
Gift wrap is so hip now! I have a bunch from Homegoods that I keep on hand. In the past, I have showed you how to use it for photo backdrops..and a fun way to store it too.
I realize this really doesn’t deserve a full tutorial….but just in case you aren’t close to 40 and you never had to cover your textbooks for school like I did ;) Here is the quick how to…
Cut a piece of gift wrap the same size as the book cover. If your book doesn’t have a cover, then trace the books binding all the way around.
Place the book in the center of the paper, fold edges under flaps.
Unfold and place double sided tape on the edges of the paper.
Tape to the inside flaps of book.
This is of course the simplified version….my mom used to cover my books a lot more professionally then this demonstration:)
I bought my books on the clearance section of my local book thrift store…..Not a bad little accessory for the bookshelves…for under $4!!
Go check out Chelsea’s books too….so cute!
Sharing at tatertotsandjello

[…] A stack of pretty books is a great addition to a mantel of vignette. But what if you don't have any pretty books? Rather than spending money on fancily-bound editions that are just for show, why not beautify your existing books instead? Tracie at Cleverly Inspired used some pretty gift wrap to dress up a few books, making them blend seamlessly with the rest of her decor. And if you tire of the look or want to change it, just rip off the paper and start again! [how to make gift wrap book covers] […]
[…] I hope you can stop by and see me over at CleverlyInspired! […]