Yes….I am sharing ribs on Ash Wednesday….but you can go buy the ribs and have them tomorrow for dinner:) (Plus… I know not all of my readers are Catholic…so the non-meat-eating days of Lent don’t apply to you) Anywho, these ribs are a real crowd pleaser…and they couldn’t be easier!
Babyback ribs used to be one of those meals that I would leave up to the hubs….until I tried this recipe a few years ago. Normally when we cook these…we finish them on the grill….however they turn out just as yummy if you finish them under the broiler.
First off, get some decent ribs. If your local, I love Paul’s (they have a brand spankin new meat counter…and it is amazing…and many times less expensive than Kroger). They have the most meaty and tender ribs…in our opinion.
If you make these ribs…maybe whip up some drop biscuits….some mac n cheese….people in your house may just kiss your feet…it’s been known to happen:)
Seriously people…it is barely a recipe…I promise…..
My kiddos like them plain…so you may want to spare the seasoning on a few.

Easy Oven Baked Babyback Ribs
- 1 rack baby back ribs
- Smoke seasoning of your choice a good barbeque rub is great
- Foil
- Heat oven to 350
- Place foil on pan
- Cut rack in half, season as desired
- Bake 45 minutes.
- Place on grill outside to crisp up for 15 minutes (Or heat broiler on low and broil for 10-15 minutes)
Thanks for your excitement about our big move around the corner:) Lots of fun post ahead about it all!
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