So ready to soak in a bit of sun soon…this winter is taking forever to leave!!! I have used this list ever since my kiddos were little. Is has changes and adapted every year…but it is a great reference for packing a family up for vacation.
I usually place a couple of large shopping bags in my dining room a couple weeks prior to leaving. The checklist stays with the bags so that when I place something in the bag…I check it off right away. It really helps to not feel so rushed…the kids can help too by placing things they want to remember in the bags and checking things off as they go.
I made a printable for your to print out and save for your family vacation. There is room at the bottom to add in what your family may need specifically. I hope this helps you this year feel a little less stressed about leaving home…and not feeling like you forgot something.
Click on the link below to print the list….
Do you have any good tips to share? Do tell!