Sometimes….I go in to straighten up a bathroom….maybe say… a child’s bathroom…and I realize the tub isn’t draining AT ALL….and probably hasn’t been for some time….and my kids have probably known about this problem…for sometime…but I am just now finding it as I am trying to rinse the tub…and I may say a few curse words while those same children are at school learning….and so then I have to remove the clog from the completely stopped drain…not knowing what I will find—it there a small animal in the drain? can organisms start to grow legs from just balled up wet gross hair? can I have another cup of coffee before I have to clean this drain? wonder if I have any meatballs in the freezer? and so on and so on….
Just me??
(cue crickets….)
Anywho….I thought if by chance…maybe…just maybe this has happened to you also…I would share how to clean out the drain. First…how to remove the drain cover…..Here is how…(you will need pliers and needlenose pliers)….
Close your eyes….
Drains like new again…..good thing kids are cute huh?!?! ;)
On a cleaner note….I would like to wish my hubs a Happy 16th anniversary ;) “It had to be you….:) “ I love you more….Thank you for believing in me…loving me…being my very best friend..and making me laugh every day.
(just had to show you this….the dresser in the picture above is the same one in my peanut’s room….)
And one more small note…Better Homes and Gardens is featuring my fall mantle from last year on their website. Go check out some fabulous fall inspiration for your mantles….

Thank you!!! I have always wondered how to get the drain cover off, but never investigated. I also feel a little less goofy for getting excited about drain cleaning. I blogged about the thrill of cleaning my sink drains.
Okay, that’s absolutely disgusting! But good information to know!!! I’ve never had to do a tub but I’ve done a sink one many times. Equally gross.
Have a great weekend!