Completely in the FALL mood here at our house! Pumpkin bread, check; Hay out front, check; crisp cool air through open windows, check; I LOVE this time of year! So—thought I would share some table scape ideas that may put you in the fall mood too!
Oh, and hey—if you like my blog—-let me know. I am sending this out into the universe—and I am curious who may be listening/reading =) Thanks!
Here is an idea that is really great for a dining table that is long—also great because people can still chat and see each other over the arrangement. I made this “boat” is what we call it—but it really just a long wood container. No clue where “boat” came from—but it stuck somehow—so that is what we call it. It is about 32 inches long and 6 inches wide. It is perfect for anytime of year—but I stained ours walnut to match the fall colors in our house.