Good gravy we made it to Friday! My boys have big sports plans this weekend that include an NBA exhibition game…an NFL game and a huge rival high school football game. The peanut and I are looking forward to PUPPYTIME with our Stella girl who will be coming home on Saturday:) Plus, the weather is turning cooler…whoot!!! I wanted to share this super easy fall planter….in case you wanted to make some this weekend….
I drilled some fake pumpkins this week. I probably enjoyed it a bit too much….I wanted to go buy more fake pumpkins just so that I could drill some more….anywho, these easy fall planters are my new favorite thing and they would be a perfect weekend project!
There are similar projects all over the internet…and I am sure this is not an original idea….but my thought was to try and save the plants that were still thriving (which is quite amazing I might add…) and just add a little fallication to them. Yes…that is a word.
I bought these tall planters at a place called “At Home”…(which was formally garden ridge). I think they were $50 each….which didn’t seem too bad given how large they are. I think they will look great year round too….
Perfect for the scale of the front door and they looked so pretty with these green plants inside (cannot remember the name of them…. #brownthumb.) To add a bit of fall to the green leaves….and to match the wreath on the door….I decided I would add some fake pumpkins….Here is how I secured them to the plants….
You will need:
2 tomato stakes (mine are 30inches)
2 medium fake pumpkins
2 smaller fake pumpkins
1 9 foot fall garland (cut in half)
3/8 inch drill bit and drill
To Do:
Drill a hole in both the bottom and top of the medium pumpkin
Place tomato stake in planter
Thread the medium pumpkin onto the stake
drill hole in bottom only of smaller pumpkin
thread onto stake
wrap and wire garland in the center (I cut one garland in half…but use whatever you wish…your planters not mine:)
A simple and quick tip to bringing a little fall to your greenery:)
Go forth and fall up the house this weekend:) And if you have a chance to sit and peruse….be sure to check out some of my new additions in my etsy shop. Use coupon code FALLYALL for $5 off!! I have been busy crafting for the upcoming season:)
Where I share great ideas:
BeDifferentActNormal, The36thAve, Whipperberry, TipJunkie, Tatertots&Jello, TodaysCreativeBlog, SerenityNow, PositivelySplendid, ByStephanieLynn, TheDIYClub, CRAFT. HomeStoriesAtoZ, InspireMePlease, Remodelaholic