You know how you always start the school year out really strong, like everything’s really organized…. all the markers are together….the pencils are sharpened and …
Homemade Cheese Crackers

be inspired to be clever
You know how you always start the school year out really strong, like everything’s really organized…. all the markers are together….the pencils are sharpened and …
Hey all! How was your weekend? We had a great one here….laughing, and then laughing some more. My bff/sista-from-another-motha has been here with her family. …
FRIDAY!!! Whoot!! Try to soak up these last weekends of summer. My bff is traveling in town today on this….They are making there way to …
Thanks yall for sharing the Youtube of the lakehouse! So sweet!!! So we have had our dining room table for probably about 15 years. It …