Hi all! First, a few orders of business…..I recently had an update to the look of the old blog:) After 9 years, I was needing …
Updating a brick colonial

be inspired to be clever
Hi all! First, a few orders of business…..I recently had an update to the look of the old blog:) After 9 years, I was needing …
We are closing in on our closing day to be moving over to the ranch house that we bought. I know that some of you were so confused as to why we were moving again (cannot remember if I ever said anything about this actually…) We are really excited to move and have a little bit more yard room for the puppies while also being a lot closer to work and school. This sweet ranch house was built in 1965 and was completely remodeled this past summer. It reminds both hubs and I of our very first home (and still a favorite…)
seriously the pillows are going to take over our house. I was in a desperate need to clean up and declutter this week and these random pillows almost made their way to Goodwill. Instead, I came up with another purpose for them on the front porch. If you don’t have any random pillows laying around…and you want to make some of these for your front porch, check the local garage sales this weekend—I am sure you will find something that will be good enough to recover for the porch.
Hey all! Hope you had a great weekend….We caught up with friends and did a few outdoor projects. I also hit the sewing machine on …