when you are trying to figure out dinner, and everyone is standing around the kitchen asking “what’s for dinner??”
when the phone rings….or not…
when you make a big list for the grocery…and leave it on your desk at home….
when you wear flip flops in the rain and your feet are cold all day…
when good friends have to move very far away. Or not. :(
when your child wants to have the deepest conversation of their lives when you are almost asleep…
when you step foot into the laundry room…realize there’s no more soap…and utter the words…”Well, I tried…”
summer is finally here and there is no homework to check…
when you realize…you are content with everything…just the way it is…
What are you thinking is awesome right now?
Right now this very moment…awesome is having my husband let me sleep til 9 on a school day, while he did all the morning routine. I said I wasn’t feeling very well so he closed the bedroom door and said “I’ve got it!”
Yes….that is awesome for sure;)