I wear glasses….didn’t know if you all knew that. My vision was always really great until I started working on a computer everyday back when I graduated from college. I began to notice headaches more often and trouble seeing traffic signs. I went into get checked and was stunned at the crystal clear difference a new pair of glasses had on my vision. Everything was so clear! Made a huge difference for me.
So when I had kiddos….and they started Kindergarten I took them in to get their eyes checked. My bear wears glasses. Although keeping glasses on an active Kindergarten proved to be a lot of work. He mainly wore them just to school. He stills wears glasses and it is still hard to keep track of them….but we have 4 pairs so usually we can find one of them!
Some things to really think about when it comes to you and your families vision…
- Annual eye exams – such as the VSP Vision Care WellVision Exam® – are important to your overall health. They allow VSP eye doctors to detect early signs of health conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol, among others.
- As you get ready for your child to go back to school, don’t forget that getting them an annual eye exam can help them learn and experience life to the fullest.
- Parents should take their children to the eye doctor for a comprehensive eye exam starting as young as six months old, then again at three years old, before kindergarten and every year after that.
- In-school screenings do not provide the same level of detection as comprehensive eye exams.
- 80 percent of what we learn is through our eyes, making this an essential for your back-to-school “to do” list.
Visit SeeMuchMore for more information about VSP and vision care benefits. I was selected for this post by the Clever Girls Collective, and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.