As yall know…I am in the process of changing out the counter tops in our master bath. I recently painted the cabinets…(see this post) and the counters were looking a bit blahhhhh. So I found some really cool shutters for the counter..(see this post)….and I am going to keep the same faucets and just purchase a new drop in sink.
I took off the faucets from the old counter top….and they were sort of ewwwwww…
Lots of mineral deposits and grossness….
So I mixed up about a cup of vinegar with about 2 Tablespoons of baking soda. I placed the faucet head in the sink and then in the small bowl with the mixture. I let is sit over night.
And would you looky here….she’s all clean and new again!
If you aren’t wanting to change out your faucet…but would like to clean the faucet head….you could put the mixture in a heavy duty baggie. Place the baggie on the end of the faucet (allowing it to “breath” a bit…the mixture will naturally bubble) … and rubber band on tight. Allow to soak over night. The goo will wipe right off!

I totally know to do this and need to try it! Especailly after seeing your results!!!