Goodness gracious is May like the new December? It seems so busy to me. Teacher appreciation, graduation parties, and year end parties, exams just seem so busy! I am so looking forward to lazy-no-alarm-clock days of summer. I’m trying to get as much as I can done for Homearama so that there is no last-minute rushing and everything is in it’s place. I’m working on a few DIY artwork for the home. I’m hoping to light up social media world with this house….and I’m praying that you guys will help me with that! I hope that you are having a good end of school year and have a great weekend ahead.
Have you tried this pb2 product?
It is a wee bit on the expensive side but really comparable to peanut butter that’s already made. I was so skeptical about this product. But I’d love me some peanut butter and I was really missing it. I officially hit my goal of losing 10 pounds. It only took me about a month-and-a-half! I have noticed a huge boost in my energy and I was having some issues with hot flashes at night and those are basically gone. It is amazing what happens when you drastically reduce the sugar you are in taking. I was not a huge junk food person before and I have always enjoyed drinking water during the day and eating fruits and veggies. But the amount of sugar that I was eating (I love me a sweet treat) is now cut in half and it has been a huge difference in my energy. This pb2 product is only one point with Weight Watchers and that is for two tablespoons! It’s plenty to spread on an English muffin or piece of toast. It is full of peanut flavor and the texture is very smooth. You wouldn’t think that it would get as smooth as it does… but it is so good! I found mine and Target on the very top shelf in the peanut butter aisle. Highly recommend it! I have not tried to bake with it has anybody out there have any good recipes that involve baking with this product? Please let me know.
Graduation weekend is coming up…so excited to celebrate:) I get a bit weepy with all the photos on facebook….friends kiddos growing up and off to college next year. So hard to believe! I am having so much fun getting ready for my nephews party. I found “table runners’’ at Home Depot:) My nephew is a fan of golf and actually works at a golf course. I am using .38cents a sq. foot artifical turf. I cut it into pieces that are 12 by 48….So 7 tables….$14 bucks. Ba bam! The books I collected at a few garage sales and used kraft paper to cover….a bit of ribbon and done!
table runners….come from unlikely places:)
I am going to put this in the center of the table….my dad made these “photo holders”…..Will share these on Monday…Cost just $3 for 7 tables;) #winning!
And I ordered this….to make that…..
Go forth and celebrate the graduates!