I realized the other day when I was trying to get rid of some pictures on my computer that I never shared with you this simple woodworking project that we did in Emily’s room this past summer. She has a small little nook in her room that we weren’t really sure what we would do with it. Originally we thought that a dresser may fit well in this space but the window frame is a little too close and does not allow much room especially if you have to open a drawer. So what we thought we would do is build a small floating shelf to have a little makeup area. It’s nice because it’s right next to the window so it provides some natural light. Pretty easy project and a great use of a odd little nook area.
(color on the walls in her room is Ballet Slippers by Valspar. We used rustoleum Weathered Grey stain for the shelf.)
There are a ton of projects out there that are very similar. This is a great first DIY to try. Here is what you will need to build this floating shelf…
- piece of pine (ours was 10 deep by 3/4 thick) cut to the width of your opening
- our support pieces are 1×2 pine (a piece for the back, then 1 for each side support)
- screws
- stud finder
- measure tape
- level
- Start by “dry fitting” your shelf into the space to be sure it is cut correctly.
- Measure, cut and screw the back 1×2 into the wall where you want to the shelf to sit keeping in mind the shelf will sit ON TOP of the support.
- Measure, cut and screw the side supports in the wall
- Stain the shelf and the front ledge.
- Using a air gun or finishing nails, attach the ledge to the front of the shelf.
- sit the shelf on the supports and screw into back support on the corners so that shelf it secure.
That is it! A great way to make a small little nook have a bunch of purpose!
Looking for some fabric for her windows now….I probably should get to that huh…lived here for almost 2 years;)

What a great idea! And I love the wall color. My daughter was just telling me today that when we move she wants her room to be painted pink and this is just what I was picturing…..very soft and pretty.