Have you seen this Youtube sensation? 5th grade boys talent show performance…. It is hilarious….laughed so hard I cried….must watch. At a time when preteens get kind of a bad rap….it is refreshing to see how awesome this age can be:)
Wrapping up this home that I have been working on for a few months. I cannot wait to get in there and do a whole post to show you every room. The fireplace tile went in last week….OMG gorgeous…..It is an long hex tile with a matte finish in the most perfect hues of creams, grays, golds, browns, blues….it is just incredible in person. The mantle will be a large chunky piece of cedar…I love the mix of modern and rustic….it works so well in this space.
Succulents update: they are still alive. And yes, this is officially a record for me. See how I crafted up this concrete planter here… and sidenote…I love fireplace season…and cocktails:)
I started this thing this week called “momma’s kitchen” where I text my kids the evening prior and tell them what momma will be cooking for breakfast. I did this for a few reasons….One, I woke up one night at like 2am and opened my eyes wide and realized that I only have 2 more years to cook them breakfast before school. That doesn’t sound like much time to me. Like at all. boo. Two, I was getting into a really bad habit of barely waking up in enough time to even say good morning to them (since they both have rides to school it was getting realllllll easy to just stay cuddled up in bed;) Three, it does make me feel like a super mom when I send them off to school with something good in their belly—which in turn starts my day off on the right foot too. Those extra 15 minutes of sleep are not worth it anymore. What I like about “momma’s kitchen” is that I tell them what will be served and what time it will be ready….that way I can prep a bit before bed if I want to. Like on Thursday morning I made waffles with strawberries. I put all my dry ingredients together on Wednesday night so that in the morning all I had to do was plug in the waffle iron and mix in the wet ingredients. Planning made all the difference! I actually enjoyed it….and my friends & family know…I am NOT a morning person:) Next week I am trying baked donuts. I just bought this pan…do you have a great recipe for baked donuts? Do tell….
Lastly….I found these hooks on etsy. Very cool in the right space…. You can find them here
Have a wonderful fall weekend friends! Last week to tag us in your instagram pics…. Search up #instafallchallenge15 for more info;)
Oh, forgot to mention…yesterday’s post includes a giveaway for $100 Visa gift card…..go check it out!

[…] tile on instagram a while back….it is one of my favorite features. I talked about it a little here too….I love the chunky cedar mantle paired with this delicate muted hex […]