Thanks for all the kinds thoughts and prayers about my friend’s son…this I know…Prayers WORK! He continues to improve everyday and I will keep you posted….
So I was hanging onto 1/2 of a yard of burlap FOREVER….I mean like FOREVER…I have had it for probably 3 years….and yet I still moved it to the new house. Time to put that burlap to work!!! I bought some mums at Lowes last week (only $4!! Holla!) and I don’t replant….just because…A. I don’t’ really know how. B. It causes me stress to move all the root thingies. And C. it is just so much easier to just place them on the porch ya know? So, I was on a mission to use the burlap AND make my planters prettier. Here is how is went down….
Cut some twine, cut a square of burlap, wrap and tie. Are you with me? I know right…..a bit to easy to call it a “tutorial”…and yet at the same time it took me 41 years to think of this idea. I’m sure I’m not the first person to ever wrap material around a planter….but I just had to show you in case you wanted to try it too:)
I ran out of burlap….so I used kraft paper for 2 of the mums….yes, it will get wet….but I don’t really care…I like how it looks;)
Now cross your fingers for me so that they bloom mmmkay?!?! :)

Genius! So simple but so pretty.
It’s the most simple changes that make the most impact. It’s really lovely!
[…] around you wish you could use without cringing every time you see them? Here’s a cheap way to update plastic planters. — Cleverly […]