I am off on mini-vaca with my honey. We are in our favorite city…Chicago…celebrating 18 years. 18 years (22 if you count our courtship:) married to my honey….not to get all gushy…but really he is the mac to my cheese…he makes me laugh the hardest…and everyday is an adventure—the good the bad, ugly and pretty….everyday. No one else I would share this craziness with….no one.
In related news…about things that are lovely and gushy:) meet our new baby girl Stella. We went to meet her last Saturday….and she will come home on Oct. 4th. We are beside ourselves with excitement. I mean how…can you possibly….resist this cuteness??? My baby girl…. (btw, she is named after the Church that we were married in…Maris Stella : meaning our lady of the Sea…fitting right?!?!) Let’s hope she has a little holiness in her…am I right?!?!
So I thought I would leave you with a little etsy inspiration for your weekend shopping…aren’t these the cutest?!?!….
gather print / cupcake toppers
pumpkin butter // gourmet popcorn
Happy shopping!