We are back rested and recharged from spring break…but we could have easily spent another week at the beach. That is usually the case though. Quick update on my dad…first off…I want to say thank you, thank you, thank you….for all your kind thoughts and prayers. My dad is doing great. He went in for another test this past Tuesday and the inital results of it look very promising. They were checking lymph nodes to see if any cancer was present there…and it appears that the nodes are lessening in size and that cancer did not seem to be present. We will know official pathology early this week. Again….I cannot thank you enough for your prayers. I’ll keep you posted:) More on vacation soon too later in the week…. Onto today’s #clevermoving Monday:)
We have had 34 showings (a few of those have been 2nd showings) come through the house the past 4 weeks. Not bad for a first month on the market. Everyone has given very favorable reports about how much they love the house. A few items that have come up from a couple of folks is the bedroom carpet needing to be replaced in the and the master bath vanities needing to be replaced. (easy fixes for the next owner to make their own selections.) Those are two things that we were planning on people saying. What has made me sooooo happy is the kind remarks about the “style” of our home….very favorable reports on how it is decorated and the updates we have made like the woodwork projects, the painted floor…the basement… guest room…95% of them have loved. People love that it is not “cookie cutter” when you walk inside….it feels like it has character. So many positive remarks…makes my heart warm. Still waiting on that one buyer who loves it as much as we do….
I thought I would put a little list together of helpful things to do when you are going to put your home up for sale. It may help you to prepare which makes the whole process a little less overwhelming.….
1. Gather your home documents. If you have any original paperwork (ie, maintenance you have done, improvements you have made, energy bills, plot plans, house plans…) all of these things will help you realtor show your house in it’s best light.
2. Finish your top “honey-do” list items. You don’t have to go crazy painting everything in site…or fixing everything that you see. But take the top 5 things that annoy you and fix them. For me it was our kids bathroom paint and a bit of touch up paint here and there.
3. De clutter. Really look at your “open”spaces and present them in the best way possible. This would include bookshelves, pantries, linen closets…etc. If you haven’t straightened them in awhile…this would be a great time to pare down and make them look uncluttered and pretty.
4. Remember all the senses. Do you have a room that holds odor more than others? Be mindful of that…if you notice it others will too. I run an air purifier in my teen son’s room. nuff said;)
5. Walk through your house objectively. This is hard to do…but try to walk through every room as a buyer. What would stand out to you? Highlight those things. Does your crown molding look awesome…or dusty? Whatever makes that particular room fabulous…highlight it so that I buyer will see it too!
6. Fresh light bulbs. Turn all the lights on, even for a day time showing. It makes people look up and take note of the whole space.
7. Arrange your furniture so that it makes all the spaces flow. You don’t want a potential buyer to be tripping to get in and out of a room.
8. Take cues from the HomeShows. Our town has a Homearama every year…and I love seeing how the homes are “staged”. Apples in bowls ready to eat….fresh bottled water next to the bedside table with a pretty glass….tea cups by the coffee maker…Staging is a huge part of home selling…it makes your home feel lived in and loved.
9. Closets should look efficient and tidy. Be aware that buyers will open your closets and peek around…clean them up accordingly.
10. You should have a space designated as your “dumping ground”….One space that holds your holiday decorations, random things that don’t have a place anywhere else. A storage place is almost as important as bedroom space. Buyers like to know that there is a spot available that is just for storage.
Those are things that I have thought of to help me though this house selling season. What did I forget?
BeDifferentActNormal, The36thAve, Whipperberry, TipJunkie, Tatertots&Jello, TodaysCreativeBlog, SerenityNow, PositivelySplendid, ByStephanieLynn, TheDIYClub, CRAFT. HomeStoriesAtoZ, InspireMePlease, Remodelaholic

Love this! We are about to go on the market but my sister already did. I helped her stage her home. SHe was aware of things like depersonalizing and decluttering. One of the biggest things we did was clean our floor molding, give it a fresh coat in some areas, and caulk! So simple but ours was pretty beaten up and it made such a difference
Great idea!!!
Great tips! So glad to hear that the news seems to be positive so far for your Dad. Been thinking of you guys – which might sound strange because I don’t even “know” you, but you know what I mean ;) Glad you had a good spring break. Looking forward to the beach house posts :)
Thanks Amanda:)
The front door! This includes any potted flowers, etc you have on the porch as well. I am getting ready to put my house on the market and I read yellow flowers put buyers in the “buying mood.” Can’t hurt to try! Lol! Thanks for the tips!