Roadblocks. Change of plans. The road less traveled. Roll with it. Leave it. Let it go. This too shall pass. These are the mantras that have been tossing in my head for the past few days. Things don’t always go as you planned…because guess what…you have no clue what the plan is. This post could be about the weather…and how this winter is hitting us in the gut….or about my necklace that has been literally tied up in a knot on my neck for about 2 weeks…I can’t seem to get it undone…or about my friend that was recently diagnosed with breast cancer….or about my son who received unexpected news about his high school plans. You have so little control…yet you want to believe the cards are all in your hand.
What I know for sure is this….everyone has a cross to bear. Everyone has something they are trying to fix, figure out, make better…everyone. Life is kind of handed to you…and you do the best you know how to navigate…but in the end…you are not in charge. This doesn’t mean you give up. This doesn’t mean you don’t try. I believe that we all belong to Him. I believe He sees our path…because He created it. I believe when He sees us struggling to find the meaning in ‘”roadblocks” or “changes”….it is His way of saying…”Leave it…let it be…I am in charge…and all will be well.”
I think what is most difficult is teaching this to our children. Yes…they attend church…they listen to us…they witness us making good and bad decisions and learning from them. But when it is personal to them…when it is their path that gets “redirected”….this is the moment when God needs to be ever present in their life. For them to believe that He knows the way…that He was planning on this disappointment (or joy)…and He has seen where they will end up. It is a lot to believe…but when you accept this it does make this life journey a lot easier to bear. To have faith is truly the greatest gift we can give our kids.
I tell my kids everyday…”work with what ya got…because it’s all your gettin…” Work with what He blessed you with….and do not take ANY experience for granted. Good or Bad. Use what He gave you for a greater good….no matter how simple the gesture.
He wants us to be successful…He wants to see us fulfilled…He wants for us to trust that He will provide the path. All YOU have to do is believe….
…..ok, I can do that.

Loved this. I haven’t gotten to the teaching my kid part yet (he’s only 10 months) but know it’s a hard enough lesson to learn on my own! Thank you for the reminder!
Thank you Diana for your kind words:) xo
AMEN Lots of adults struggle with this. Teaching kids is so important. Good for you.
So true..thanks:)