This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Fellowes for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
I vaguely remember…that sweet little boy smell…that was a mixture between puppy kisses and fresh cut grass. It was quite different from the “teen” boy smell. Not that my son is dirty…it is just that natural pubescent teen boy smell. You catch it at odd times too….like going up the stairs it will hit you…or when you go in their room at night to say “night night”….it is a very distinct odor…am I alone here?!!? Teenage boys stink. Even if they shower daily….and use deodorant (ohhh the dreaded Axe). They have a certain “aroma” that comes in waves…but when you catch a wiff….oy. So I was intrigued when the folks from Fellowes AeraMax™ DX-55 wanted to send me a air cleaner to try out. I immediately thought of my sons bedroom…is that mean? This air purifier can do a whole bunch more than just take the stink out of the air….but I wanted to see just how well it could do that….so I was off to try my little experiment. I place the air purifier directly next to my sons hamper in his bedroom. It is where all the stink lands when it enters the house….socks, underwear…sweaty shorts….Are you grasping the magnitude of the stink yet?!?!:) ( I do love him…it is just his stink that I am not a huge fan of…)
When you are breathing clean air…you are effectively eliminating the allergens and impurities. My son has problems with those things too. The AeraMax will help to rid your house of cold and flu bugs too. I unboxed and slide the filter out….took off the plastic bag around the HEPA filter…and slide it back in. Took about a minute to have it up and running. Strategically placing it next to his hamper and also close to his bed. I wasn’t’ sure that when I turned it on that it was actually on….this unit is super quiet. You have to be very close to even hear that it is running.
For the first four minutes that you have it on…it “assesses” the air quality in the room. I left the room and shut the door…because I wanted to see how effectively it would take the current “stale stink” out of the room. I went to do some things and came back about 30 minutes later….fresh as a daisy in there!! No more smelly stale sock smell….Seriously impressive. And…I also feel great knowing that those nasty allergens that tend to have him stuffy in the morning are working there way out of the air. Win win!
Back soon with a fun look at the beach house kitchen plan:)