This month’s Miele Minute is all about cleaning and organization. January seems to be the month when we clean up, throw away and pare down. I wanted to share with you some ideas that might help you do that task a bit easier….These ideas are so smart (that is me tooting my horn;)!
I think many of us think the vacuum is just to clean the rugs and floors….but really the vacuum can clean just about anything. And as I have shared with you in the past Miele Moments….the Miele cleans the air in your home….no matter where the dust, dirt and dander is hiding…the Miele will pick it up and contain it. Here are a few ways to “think outside the vacuum box” when you are cleaning.
1. Pillows: Skin flakes and dust mites…..yuck and yuck. But if you sleep on the same pillow for a year and never vacuum it….well, that is what your head is resting on every night. Place pillows in a large trash bag, at the top insert the Miele vacuum wand. Turn the vacuum on low suction and suck air out of the bag. Take pillow out and re fluff.
2. Knives: All the crumbs and debris that end up under the knife block or drawer. Take your extension wand and get those up quickly.
3. Freshen up a Room: Seal off a room. Place the hose upright so that it is pointing up in the center of the room. Turn the vacuum on and close the door. Leave it on for 5-8 minutes. Let the Miele filter all the air in the room…allergies be gone!
4. Linen Closet: Sometimes if the linens are in the closet awhile they can start to smell a little musty. Vacuum the crevices with the hose attachments and all along the shelves. I even vacuum the linens a bit also to fluff up and move the air around.
5. Mirrors: Have you ever noticed if you go to windex a mirror that is not cleaned very often you have to wipe it 3 times to get it clean? If you vacuum all the dust off first, you will get streak free on the first wipe:)
6. Perfect Pre-Stain treatment: Whenever you are refinishing a woodworking project that you are planning on staining….you should always vacuum thoroughly with a brush attachment to get the best possible coat of stain on the first time.
7. Mattresses: Again with the skin particles….but seriously…have you ever vacuumed your mattress? When I received my Miele vacuum that is the very first thing I did….vacuum everyone’s mattress. I get on top of the bed, heave the vacuum on the mattress, set it to a low suction with no roller and I vacuum like I would clean a rug. I go over the mattress about 30 times….Makes a world of difference if you suffer from allergies.
8. Dusting: I use to get a damp rag and wipe dust. Now I use the brush attachment for every single dusty surface in my house. The dust goes in the vacuum and not in the air….which means it will keep my surfaces dust free longer. Win Win!
9. Refrigerator: The crumbs and crust that gets in all the little grooves….Get rid of all of it with the hose and point attachment. Also, clean the fan and the coils to keep it running tip top.
10. Laundry hamper: Dirty clothes in the same container can start to stink. When the hamper is empty, run the brush attachment all over to get rid of the musty smell.
I have changed the way I cleaned because of my Miele vacuum. It has made my life so much easier when it comes to keeping our clean house. JD Powers has awarded Miele with it’s highest honor in customer satisfaction. Point blank, people love these machines…and they would buy them again and again. They are worth every penny and they do not disappoint.
If you are in the market for a new cleaning machine…be sure to check out my past post. You can also search #pureairblog on social media;)
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.