Happy New Year’s Eve!! A fun wrap up for you today…..
Commenting on a blog post is rare these days….most folks like to pin/tweet/or share the post if they like it….which is all fine and good with me. But I have noticed that if a post is actually commented on…a bunch…it must have made a bigger impact. So, I thought it would be fun to round up the most commented post of 2013…per month. A fun little look back on some post that you may have missed:)
Facebook Etiquette for Kids (January)
DIY Photo Backdrops with Giftwrap (February)
Office/Craft Space Reveal (March)
Spring Spruce Up Front Porch Décor (April)
How to Write with Sparklers (May)
House tour of Complete Remodeled home (June)
10 tips for Garage Organization (July)
Update an old ceiling light (August)
Painting a Hardwood floor (September)
This & That :fall break/beachhouse (Nov) and DIY Wood Wreath
My real Holiday house tour (Dec)
Wowzer….I was kind of busy this year:) Heading into my 4th year of blogging and I feel so fortunate to have been able to share all this with you. I love popping in a few times a week to share a new idea, recipe or project….or sometimes just a chat. Looking so forward to sharing with you lots more in 2014:)