Yall full? Turkey overload? Here is a great activity to get those Christmas cards done and done!
Easier than you think….promise. And no…these aren’t my Christmas cards…this was a card I just did to show you how easy it is to create your own one of a kind Chrismas card. I use Picmonkey every day. It is how I place text on all my blog post. I love this free service (I pay a monthly fee because I use a few of the other features…) but you can totally get away with using the free service to create a unique card this year.
First you need to find a Christmas digital paper that you like. I use etsy to find digital paper….once you find one..pay for it and the seller will send you a link to download the “paper” to your computer. Once you have this you are set to create your card.
I purchased my digital paper on this etsy shop for $1.50 (for 8 papers!)
All set….here are the steps…
Open PicMonkey.com
On the top you will see “Open” and it will ask for a file to open. Click on the digital paper you would like to use for your background on your card. (see below)
On the far left, you will see “crop”. Select the size of the card you are creating. Mine is 5 by 7. Select that and size the box accordingly on your digital paper.
Your paper should look like this (cropped to landscape or portrait depending on the picture you will be using)
Now you are ready to drop your picture on top of your paper. On the far left, select “overlays” and select at the way top “your own”. It will open a browser box for you to select your own photo to lay on top of your paper. Click the picture you want and click open.
Widen your picture on top of the paper so that it is where you want it.
Now you are ready to add text. Select the Letter icon on the far left menu. Click a text to use and select “Add text” at the way top. A text box will pop up on your picture and you can type in what you want to say.
Add you text and place it where you want on top of your picture. You can change the color by clicking on the color box on the right (you can also center and make it larger from here too)
All set to save your one of a kind Christmas card! Select “save” and place it in your picture file on your computer. Now you can upload that to any photo printing company and have your prints printed up! (Costco has fabulous prices:)
Easy enough right?!?! Go play with it and I bet you will love it too!!
Be sure to tune in this week and follow along with some of my favorite bloggin buddies. We are each going to post a cookie recipe to get you ready for the holidays!

Thank you for a great tutorial!! I was wondering…I was going to use Costco and I noticed that cards with the envelopes are 6 x 7 1/2. Will a 5 x 7 crop upload to this, or do you order 5 x 7 prints and buy your own envelopes?
Thank you for your help!
I used costcos 6 by 71/2 double sided cards this year:) They provided the envelopes…
Thank you Tracie! Merry Christmas!