A few other options for the title of this post:
One Mantle, Two Ways to decorate
Fresh greens….not so fresh….
Girl goes bat-**** crazy about her Christmas Mantle
Oh hey, there’s a tree limb….
I could go on…and on…..Point is this….I had my mantle all decorated and looking fab. Like this…..(I even wrote a post up about it all…..)
Nice right….looked great…similar to last years mantle…loved it…all is well and good. Except the fresh greens I received this year (from a different supplier) lasted like 2 minutes. They started to dry up within a day. Boo. Hoo. I was just going to live with it….except every night I would look up at the mantle and get a little annoyed. (I realize I have issues…moving on…) I was also feeling like it wasn’t really showcasing my fun wood wreath. But I decided to show you…in under one minutes time…how easy it is to dress a Christmas mantle this way…in case you want to have this look. I know there are many of you out there….who have a fear of dressing your mantle. Come and see this quick youtube and you will see how easy it is…start to finish.
Here is what I used on my mantle this year…
6 feet of fresh greens (be sure they are as fresh as can be:)
1 strand of lights
5 candle lights
2 sets of Christmas balls (I used deep red and sparkly silver)
a few fresh greens for the wreath and for my wood holder basket
It. Is. Easy…..I promise….Don’t make it harder than it has to be. Simple is always better. The other great thing about this mantle…is that I just sweep it in the trash when the holidays are over:) Done and done.
Here is how I put together my new mantle….I cleared everything off. Placed a strand of white lights on the left side. Covered the lights with 2 pieces of white tissue paper. I found a tree limb that was a perfect size to lay on the mantle….
I took some of the fun little disco ball ornaments that I had on hand and placed three on the tree limb and 3 on the wreath…..
On the right side I placed a few pieces of firewood, 3 candles (from the dollar store) that I covered in wood gift wrap (found that at Homegoods a while back) and scattered a few silver balls.
Kind of modern…a little funky and simple….I love it!
Which do you like better? I think I like this fresh clean look with my wood wreath…..I think I will keep it;)
Here are some past Christmas mantles….go forth and decorate this weekend:)
And here is the link for the Wood Wreath
Follow more Christmas decorating on Instagram (#cleverchristmas) I will be showing what it looks like all lit up!
Stay warm friends!
Where I share fun ideas:
BeDifferentActNormal, The36thAve, Whipperberry, TipJunkie, Tatertots&Jello, TodaysCreativeBlog, SerenityNow, PositivelySplendid, ByStephanieLynn, TheDIYClub, CRAFT. HomeStoriesAtoZ, InspireMePlease, Remodelaholic

The mantle looks gorgeous. I actually like the really rustic feel to it.
I need some of that wood gift wrap, I love how you used it to wrap the candles!! Thanks for linking up, friend!
I like the wreath. I bet you could work it into mantel decor year round. I think I have enough wood scraps sitting around in my garage to make one!