I started this funny name game on Facebook the other night….the names are still making me laugh. You think of the name of your first childhood pet, and the name of the first street you ever remember living on as a child. Put them together and you have your “movie star” name (keepin it clean people ;)
So have a laugh….then tell me what your name is….
Mine is Sniffy Ward. Call me Sniff….I’m cool with that :)
Have a wonderful weekend friends ;)

Love it! I may have to borrow! I am Blackie Krauss. Sounds more like a mobster from the Sopranos than a movie star. Heee Heee! Thanks for the fun :)
I would be Tunalada Earl. (Tunalada was my pet baita fish)
These are cracking me up!!! I would be Gretchel Sandison……. I’m thinking I like that name!!!