A little case that is perfect for your summer-time essentials like lipcoat and suncreen, money…whatever :) Really great project to introduce yourself to zippers…if you haven’t sewn one yet. Super easy !
You will need a zipper (I used 9 inch) and two pieces of fabric cut to the length of your zipper—width is your choice, mine is 4 inches)
Lay the zipper upside down on the right side of your fabric. BE SURE TO OPEN YOUR ZIPPER HALF WAY (sorry, ok, no need for me to shout…so sorry…ok) it is super duper important though ;)
Sew the top edge of your zipper to the right side of the fabric. Place your other piece of fabric right sides together…lining up the other half of the zipper with the top edge.
So now you should have this….
Place the right sides together (leave the zipper open, that is how you will turn it inside out ) Sew around the 3 sides. Trim excess and clip corners.
Turn right side out and iron ! Easy huh!!!

OOOOMY i love this.. This is the best BFF summer gift… THANK YOU!!!
Love it! I might actually try sewing w/a zipper now!
Love this!! I'm just relearning to sew, and I've been so nervous about trying something with a zipper. This will be a perfect first zipper project, thank you!!