My little peanut is a little angel….most of the time (she paid me to say that…) seriously–she is a fabulous kid (as is Conner…I need to post about him, he is starting to get annoyed….actually I don’t think he realizes yet that I am blogging) She decided to be an angel for Halloween…. So here is what we came up with. Nevermind the jeans—she is going to wear leggings…and her face all glittery…and all that jazz—but you get the idea.
Total cost is about $15
2 yards of white muslin
1/4 yard of something flashy (ours is silver large sequined fabric)
3 different flashy fun silver fabrics (1.4 yard of each)
Non roll elastic for the measurement of the childs waist
4 silver pipe cleaners
For the crown, I twisted 2 silver pipe cleaners together. I formed to a circle. I covered the pipe cleaners with some of the fabric I used on the skirt–hot gulling as I went around the circle. I tied to the back some other left over fabric.