The mantle is one of my favorite seasonal projects! Thought I would share my fall mantle that I have up right now.
The silhouettes are from last year….but I love them so! Very easy to make! Take a profile picture of your little person—or dog—or husband, friend…whatever. Print it in a 8×10 paper format. Cut out the profile and then trace it in pencil onto a large piece of black cardstock.Taking extra care around the mouth and nose–the most distinct parts =) Then carefully cut out the silhouette. I positioned mine on the bottom edge of the paper to have a clean straight bottom.
Then mount the cut out onto a canvas frame ( I think I bought a 2 pack on sale at Michaels) I used rubber cement to mount—it will not bubble or buckle the paper. Place the frame upside down to dry and place some heavy books on top. Let dry.
I then just painted with gold metallic paint on the top and bottom band–to pull the colors together a bit. Perfect! Every year I will look at these and see those little peanut noses and little smiles—so cute!
Here is a list of the best way to do these silhouettes (so sorry I don’t have pictures to go along with this craft) I made these a few years back—so all I have is the final product.
- Take profile pictures (nice 8X10 frame filled with the subjects face)
- Print onto an 8X10 piece of paper.
- Cut out the profile–taking care around the nose and mouth
- Place the cut out profile onto the black cardstock (can use any color you want really )
- Trace the profile (taking note which way you want the profile to face)
- Carefully cut out the profile.
- Using rubber cement (or glue) paste the profile onto a 11X14 canvas.
- Turn the canvas upside down to dry on a flat surface and place some heavy books on top to assure adhesion.
- After it is dry you can paint the top and bottom band of the canvas—or leave it plain.
Also, I bought a couple faux pumpkins and a squash—sprayed them gold too! Love it!
Color on the wall is Ben Moore….
philipsburg blue

Love how striking this is! Those silhouettes are great! Thanks for linking up to The Talent Scouting Party at WhisperWood Cottage!