One thing you learn when you move to Kentucky is to never call a Bourbon “whiskey”…blasphemy I say! What is the difference between whiskey and …
Berry Bourbon KY Derby Parfait

be inspired to be clever
One thing you learn when you move to Kentucky is to never call a Bourbon “whiskey”…blasphemy I say! What is the difference between whiskey and …
My friends at the Kentucky Derby challenged me to come up with a fun way to celebrate Derby no matter where you live and I thought that this Kentucky Derby fascinator could be made quick and on the cheap for all your Derby parties. If you don’t have a derby party to go to… no sweat… Just make one and hang out with the family and watch the greatest two minutes in sports at your house.
I made this sweet graduation gift card box…for about $5 and a bit of time. I thought that if you have any grads in your house this year you may want to put one of these together too:)
Good Monday to you all! Did you watch the final Downton last night? I won’t spoil it for you….but it was such a nice ending. …