I was so excited to receive this fun package in the mail filled with Minwax product! They have a great new product coming to a store near you called Minwax Express Color. I chose to work with the Indigo color…a rich navy…perfect for summer décor!
They will have several colors to chose from…just pick your favorite! I found the product to be easy to work with and quick. I love a quick transformation. A few bare wood picture frames and some wood glue is all you will need….here we go…
A soft cloth, rubber gloves and a work surface you don’t mind getting messy is helpful. Squirt your Express Color out and dip your cloth in the stain. Rub onto the wood…wiping off the excess. What I love about this product is the ability to have a rich color…but yet still see the grain of the wood. I found it to be smooth and even too. It is water-based…so easy cleanup! The stain also dry’s quickly. I only did one coat…but you could do a few to make the color more intense.
When the 4 frames are dry you can glue them together. A thin bead of wood glue does the trick.
I stood mine up on newspaper and allowed it to dry. You can touch up any spots you may have missed with a sponge brush.
I picked out four pictures (from past summers…oh their little faces…sigh…) and popped them in the frames.
A favorite flower in a glass jar or vase…can be placed in the center.
There you have it! A custom frame-vase-cover thingy :) I love it! Thanks Minwax for allowing me to sample Express Color. I am a fan!
What’s your favorite color?? I hope you have a project in mind because Minwax was nice enough to send me some to share with one of my lucky readers! Just comment here and tell me what you would transform with Express Color? For an extra entry “like” Minwax on Facebook. And comment to tell me you did ;)
Sharing at Tattertots and Jello

I would love to use this for a nightstand for my daughters room. I love that it gives such a different look.
I tweeted!
Love this! So simple yet so fabulous! I can see kids making these for teacher gifts, Mother’s or Father’s Day gifts, or for grandparents! I can see these as seasonal or holiday themed as well! The frames can be painted as a single color or each side a different color. Ooooh, then some easy embellishments…perhaps a little jewel or charm glued to a corner…uh, oh,…the creative juices are getting amped up! Gotta run…off to get frames and vases and Minwax Stain! WhooHoo!!!!
Love your blog and thought It needed to be shared. :) http://definitelyleopard.com/2012/05/11/one-lovely-blog-award.aspx
Thanks so much :)
Oh, I have so many summer craft projects planned that this Minwax Stain could be a part of. I love the frame. Think I will do the same thing with frames but use to hold pens and pencils on my desk! Fun! Thanks for sharing.
I am redoing a side table into a dog bed and would love to use some of their product!
Carla…You WON!!! Contact me at cleverlyinspired at gmail.com for your prize!!!
I would love to transform some pallet lumber with color and make a sign.
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[…] They will have several colors to chose from…just pick your favorite! I found the product to be easy to work with and quick. I love a quick transformation. A few bare wood picture frames and some wood glue is all you will need….here we go… A soft cloth, rubber gloves and a work surface you don’t mind getting messy is helpful. Squirt your Color Express out and dip your cloth in the stain. Rub onto the wood…wiping off the excess. What I love about this product is the ability to have a rich color…but yet still see the grain of the wood. I found it to be smooth and even too. It is water-based…so easy cleanup! The stain also dry’s quickly. I only did one coat…but you could do a few to make the color more intense. When the 4 frames are dry you can glue them together. A thin bead of wood glue does the trick. I stood mine up on newspaper and allowed it to dry. You can touch up any spots you may have missed with a sponge brush. I picked out four pictures (from past summers…oh their little faces…sigh…) and popped them in the frames. A favorite flower in a glass jar or vase…can be placed in the center. https://cleverlyinspired.com/2012/05/diy-photo-vase-sponsored-by-minwax-express-colors/ […]
This is awesome! My favorite colors are blue & lime green. I would let my kids paint these for Father’s Day. What a great gift idea! I love it.
I have a small bookcase in my home office that is SCREAMING for some color! This would look perfect. But which to choose? I like them all! Lime and turquoise would definately give the room a pop!
Liked on Facebook. Thanks!
I have an old table and four chairs I want to refinish. The MinWax Color Express would be perfect for them. Thanks for the drawing. I hope I win.
I ‘Liked’ MinWax on Facebook.
Great project I always buy those frames at michaels for my day care children to use for mom or dad gifts they are only one dollar