We rarely took a spring vacation when I was growing up. It didn’t seem like many people did actually. When I was in high school we lived in Wisconsin so to travel anywhere south/warm you were going to be in the car for at least 24 hours. I don’t remember ever being bummed about it. It forced my brothers and I to hang out…like going bowling together…( I can still probably beat him;) We enjoyed sleeping in… maybe going out to lunch just hanging around doing stuff we didn’t get to normally do during the school week.
When Break. A break from school a break…from friends.. a break from routine… a break. Reconnecting…. taking naps…. listening to quiet….spending time playing cards or checkers or talking for an hour about what kind of queso you like best.
Life can be so busy when you let it be…and I do not do well with total busy-ness. There will be a day…it is coming soon when our kids will go on spring break and college trips with friends and begin their life outside of our family. We encourage that. Some days we look forward to that. I suppose that is our number one job as parents to help them to become independent, caring, good citizens. If we’ve done our job they won’t be coming on spring vacation with us forever and that’s okay. But until then we are definitely going to enjoy our time together. Not just enjoy our time…but fully be there. Step away from the technology….no need to share every moment. Leave some of those moments in your memory instead of online.
A break can happen anywhere….no need to leave town to pause and unplug. Soak it in…happy spring friends:)