Hey yall…Happy Monday:) Full steam ahead into the end of the school year…my kids only have about 24ish days of school left. Crazy to me! I must admit that I am looking forward to summer and a slower pace (hopefully.) I met with Ethan Allen last week at our showhouse for this year’s Homearama. I am really excited about working with them…this home will be a showcase for sure!
So today….I thought…let’s be frank…can we be frank? Do you have facial hair? I feel like the girth of hair that I once had on my eye lashes…has slowly made it’s way to transplanting itself on my chin and upper lip…just me? A few years back…I started noticing this…and I set out to find a good option for dealing with it. Here are my thoughts on this fun subject…..
I do this…do you? Have been for years….makes your skin literally glow—and it is basically free:) These single blade razors are all you need (bic also sells a thin single blade razor you can find in your drug store.)
Tips on removing peach fuzz:
- Wash face and use a clean new sharp razor.
- applying barely any pressure…skim the surface of your skin to take off the “peach fuzz). I do not use any shaving crème….you don’t need it.
- continue working around your face…getting under nose, chin and skid burn area
- occasionally rinse the fuzz off the razor
- when you are done gently rinse your face with warm water and pat dry.
- moisturize and feel that baby butt soft skin:)
- I do this about once a month
No…hair does not grow back thicker. I have been doing this for about 3 years….and my hair grows in super soft every month.
Shaving off the peach fuzz allows your makeup and moisturizers to rest right on the skin…which in turn makes you makeup go on perfectly even…making you glow:)
You may feel odd….the first few times you take a razor to your face….but you will be amazed at the difference it makes when you put your makeup on.
What do you think?? Are you gonna try it?

I had laser done back in 2002 for my upper lip, under arms, and bikini line. Best.thing.ever! In the process of zapping the hairs on the upper lip, they grow back in much thinner or not at all. The laser got most of them but there’s still some ‘fuzz’ so I do exactly what you do. About once a month I shave my upper lip. Hey . . . a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do!