My friends at the Kentucky Derby challenged me to come up with a fun way to celebrate Derby no matter where you live and I thought that this Kentucky Derby fascinator could be made quick and on the cheap for all your Derby parties. If you don’t have a derby party to go to… no sweat… Just make one and hang out with the family and watch the greatest two minutes in sports at your house.
This one pulls together really quickly with the help of a hot glue gun and some inexpensive floral pics…. I promise you that even if you are not the crafty type you will be able to pull this one off and totally impress your friends. All you’re going to need our a few of craft store Floral pics some hot glue and a small barrette.
This one literally took me about 5 minutes….
Here is the list of what you will need:
- long feather pic
- one stem of medium blooms
- one stem of smaller blooms to fill in
- hot glue
- wire cutters
- small piece of cardstock
- barrette
Here is how you make the fascinator:
- Cut out a small oval-shaped of cardstock and set aside.
- Roll the feather into a circle so that it kind of fans out naturally. You’re going to cut off the long stem so that all you have left is this roll of feather. There will be a circle in the center that will be void and we’re going to fill that up.
- The next thing you need to do with your hot glue is layer the flowers on to your scrapbook paper. First glue the larger flowers then fill in with the other smaller flowers.
- Once you have your little scrapbook paper filled with flowers you’re going to glue the scrapbook paper onto the center of the feather that you have. Hot glue makes it really easy because it sticks to feathers really easily and it also sticks to paper very easily.
- Let that dry a little bit and then turn over and hot glue your small barrette to an area of the scrapbook paper that will stick nicely.
Look at that you made a fascinator and nobody will know that you just spent about 5 minutes on it. The thing that I like about this is you can switch it up with whatever color you might be wearing and you’re not out a whole lot of money for a whole lot of style.
Obviously I want you to watch the Kentucky Derby with your friends on that first Saturday in May and have a long sip of sweet tea or a mint julep. And cheer on your favorite horse. As we say here in the Bluegrass Go baby go!
Be sure to search up the official Kentucky Derby hashtag #KYDerby on your favorite social channels….a ton of stylish Derby inspiration out there!
This post was brought to you courtesy of The Kentucky Derby. I have been compensated for my time. All thoughts, projects, errors and photos are all mine.