Ms. Stella has a real strong affection for area rugs….as in…”hey I’m pretty sure mom is cool with me chewing on this since it is on the floor all the time….” (I mean, she’s got a point) She has chewed the corners of two rugs…but I think I found a deterrent that seems to be working….flag football cones. I bought these on Cintz Marker Cones (Set of 10), 9-Inch, Orange on Amazon and whenever I leave for a longer period of time I line them around the perimeter (we do this at night time too.) She has left them alone so far:) Might just do the trick.
I am loving this new flavor granola from Bear Naked. 1/3 C dry in a bowl…with coffee on the side. Yum!
If you are searching for an inexpensive back splash…this one that we did on lot 787 in Norton Commons is goooourgeos! It turned out amazing! We did a herringbone pattern above the sink. Pair it with white grout….looks so regal and classic…and bonus—black slate is fairly inexpensive compared to most tiles. And if you’re local….you should come and walk through this home. It turned out so pretty! House is on Kings Crown in Norton Commons:)
Last Friday I didn’t get a chance to post because I had to leave for the lakehouse early in the morning. Someone had broken in and stole our tv off the wall…and we think stayed a few days too. The place was a bit of a mess…walls were beat up…appliances were gross…I made a 911 call to my parents “hey, want to come and help me clean and paint the lakehouse…ok, we are leaving like NOW…” They didn’t hesitate. That is what parenting is all about I guess….when your kids really need you…you go….no matter if your kids are 4, 14 or going on 42:) Thank you to my mom and dad for helping me get the lakehouse looking beautiful again! I didn’t have time (and I was a little depressed about the state of it) when we first got there….but man it shined when we left! We all felt like we were on one of those HGTV shows, racing against the clock to get it done!
I hope you can join me this weekend over on Instagram….I am taking over the @truevalue page….stop by!
And lastly, I leave you with a few laughs. If you haven’t seen Matt yet….do yourself a favor. (watch alone…a bit of language) He is hilarious…and kind of true:)
Happy weekending!

I can’t believe the lakehouse got broken into. People suck. And it’s creepy that you think they stayed awhile. *shudder* But it looks great now, thank goodness for great parents!
Omg, I had never heard about Whine About It….hilarious! I’m off to watch more videos now :)))