Well, it’s that time again….no…. not time to run around in your undies in the middle of the street in winter time like you’re back in college (#thingsyoudoincollegeandprayyourkidsdon’t) It’s time for favorite things give away! I have rounded up a few of my most fav things and I am going to give all of them to ONE LUCKY READER! I just want to say thank you…thank you for coming to see me every week for the past 5 years. I am living my passion…and you are helping me do that everyday! I completely adore each one of these items…and I want you to enjoy them too!
This little thing gets me moving….Every morning gets jumpstarted by the help of my little fitbit. I have the FitBit Charge which is the wristband version. But the one I am going to giveaway is just as great. You just slide it in your pocket or on a zipper…and go! You can download the fitbit app on your phone and see how you are doing. I love this!! My average is between 10-13,000 steps a day. I know this….I am moving so much more now than I was. I am a FitBit addict and you will be too!
Do you remember how the grocery stores used to have a big round display that was filled with Brach’s candies? It was called Pick a mix…and I loved it! We would each get to pick our our favorites and add them to the bag. Brach’s used to sell hard candies and I have searched all over for them….I found these on Amazon awhile back and they are identical to those Brach’s crystal candies.
The Wet Brush…..I just cannot explain it. You can get out of the shower…and your hair is a tangled mess…this brush gets through it right away…without being harsh on your head. My daughter and I both have this brush….it is perfect for snarly curls and tangles…so gentle too. I love this brush!
Everynight before bed I lather on this Aveda Hair therapy. It is the only cream that I have found that actually reverses age spots and helps winters dry skin. The smell lulls me to sleep too:)
In the age of all this technology…I still enjoy flipping through an actual magazine. Of course HGTV is my favorite. They have tons of quick reads and tips…I usually keep it in my car when I am in carpool line.
These candles are such a value…they burn for 100 hours…slowly…and they smell heavenly. I love the vanilla and the buttercream…but honestly I haven’t burned one that I didn’t like. Love these!!
(FYI, above are Amazon Affiliate links:)
Sign up to win all these favorite things! You can enter as many times as you want…I would love for you to share with your friends too! Winner announced Feb 18th. Good luck!

I loved the barn door coffee table idea!
Tracie, I love every post! Your talent is never-ending and so fun to follow. =)
I loved your idea of repurposing the ladder into an office organizer.
I love everything you post about home remodel – gives me so many ideas. Dangerous ideas!
I love your recipes!!
They are all so fun that I can’t pick. Right now it’s this one :)
Love your website.
Once again a great post!
Love your blog and facebook page. This is so nice of you to have this giveaway. I love candles! :)
The post about the horse show curtain panel holders was my fave!
Love your blog. It is so nice of you to do this giveaway. So many nice things!
I love your recipe and food posts, your design posts as well. You have great taste and style!
I loved the Barn Door Turned into a Coffee Table post. The table turned out beautifully.
I like how you tackled your stair treads, they are not over done and totally family friendly.
I love the wood counter top post. My husband and I have been thinking about trying it.
Gosh, I simply can’t pick just one post! Love the door I to a coffee table and I have an old door I am adapting to that idea now but I am still going through old posts as I only found your site a while ago. Love it!
I really like all your DIY posts. They are always great ideas and I try them out myself sometimes.
How do you pick a favorite. I am ready to try everything…LOL
I love the redecorating of your new beach home.
I loved all the “progress” posts on building your new home with the explanations on your decisions, choices, etc. Thanks so much!!
I love all your home decorating post…you always have such great ideas!
I love the simplicity and beauty of your wood wreath and I could use some pampering too. Thanks
Okay, I feel so stupid! Exactly where do I hit so I can enter the giveaway? I first tried through the email I got under “robosomething” website, then went to your FB page and it brought me back here!
I’m sorry for my naitivity. (Thank goodness for spell check)
By the way I’m new to your blog, looks like I need to go thru archives. So many ideas! You are inspiring me to get going on projects and back on the treadmill!
Thanks for your time and blog.
Hi Kathleen
The giveaway is at the way bottom of the post…rafflecopter. You may have to wait a minute for it to load on the page:)
Thank you Tracie! I’ll try again.
Stella updates keep me coming back <3
I’d love to win so I can share your passion for your favorite things.
I want to be entered in the giveaway. I have found it very hard to discover here on the blog exactly how to do that. I have always had trouble getting around the blog. I am not too computer savy and guess it shows when I come here. Anyway, love keeping up with all you do, real inspiration, and I definitely need to be counting my steps daily.
I am sorry you have a hard time navigating. THe tabs at the top of the page may help you find what you are looking for:)
i love the wood countertop re-do! I love up cycling!
i love your blog! i enjoyed following the building of your new casa! : )
I would like to say that it is the Stacking the Shelves post
I make your cinnamon toast muffins all the time for my kids, they love them.
Love your blog!
Love all of you creative ideas, the barn door coffee table, Derby wreaths, recipes, etc
[…] Happy weekend!!! I am on my way down to the Playhouse this morning to help paint. I will be sharing a few pics on instagram I am sure:) It is very exciting to see it come together. Be sure and take a minute to sign up for My Favorite Things Giveaway!! […]
I love the dry sink. That post is actually what made me find your blog in the first place!
I like a mix but my fav is decorating a home. Love seeing others and their ideas! Love the giveaway!
I love reading all of your DIY posts!
I enjoy easy recipes. I’m not very handy in the kitchen.
Well, since I just discovered your blog today when I was looking for a recipe for salted caramels, I will have to say that is my favorite entry :) BTW, it was the first link that popped up in Bing for my search. I did see someone comment on cinnamon toast muffins, so I think I will look for that post, too.
I always love the great recipes.
My favorite post was the Guest Bedroom of repurposing an old bed, but I also loved the table that dad built post, the redo of you gorgeous family heirloom was so beautiful.
Love the barn door coffee table, what a great month for a giveaway. Baby, it’s cold outside.
Cheesy stuffed mushrooms! I used to hate mushrooms and now have an addiction….maybe it’s all the cheese ;)
So many favorite things about your website, where do I begin!! At this moment your stair refinish project has me “inspired” :)
The Amazing Molten Chocolate Dessert recipe