Nope, I don’t have preschoolers….yes, they are in high school….does that stop me from making really fun, cute halloween treats…NO! Sadly this is how my brain works….while in the grocery looking at string cheese…I thought, “hey it would be so cute to make that into a ghost for a preschool Halloween snack.” Have I seen this somewhere and it is just in my “random crap you remember from pinterest” memory?? If so…and you have seen this before…please tell me! I am thinking it is an original idea….but what are those anymore #pinterestoverload :)
So….make some of these cute healthy monster cheese….serve it up with some crackers and fruit…to monsters of any age:) Really….no tutorial needed…yall are quick like that:) And hey….teens love them too:) This one came home from school and opened the fridge and shouted “MOM that is SO CLEVER!!” awwww shucks….I still got it:)
You will need:
string cheese
feather boa in black
orange pompoms
double sided tape
stick on eyes
This one reminds me of beaker from Muppets….see it??? So basically you dry off the string cheese to get off the condensation. Use a piece of double sided tape to pop on your eyeball….and place a piece of the top to adhere the pompom or feather….whatever you like…no rules:)
Have a great weekend peeps!
PS thanks for all your good vibes and prayers…my friends son is improving daily…. #prayerswork!
Where I share fun ideas:
BeDifferentActNormal, The36thAve, Whipperberry, TipJunkie, Tatertots&Jello, TodaysCreativeBlog, SerenityNow, PositivelySplendid, ByStephanieLynn, TheDIYClub, CRAFT. HomeStoriesAtoZ, InspireMePlease, Remodelaholic

Super cute idea!