I don’t thing Greek yogurt has any place in a pancake. There I said it. Pancakes in their original pancake-ness are an essential breakfast pastry that shouldn’t be altered. I can see it now….years from now kids in therapy because of the Greek yogurt pancakes (I’m jokin….) I am all for eating healthy…but don’t go messin with my pancake. I’d rather not eat.
Downton Abbey. Oh my. Have you watched? Can I talk about it? I never know when it is ok to talk about it. I don’t want to ruin it for you if you haven’t watched. Wasn’t life a bit less confusing without DVR’s and such? You knew whether or not someone watched a show…because it was on the TV on Sunday night…and you know if they were going to watch it…they had to watch it right then. And then the next day you could talk about it…because everyone had watched it. Like the last Seinfeld ….or Facts of Life…or Family Ties. But now…you don’t know whether to talk about it yet…because you don’t know when they watched it. But if you haven’t watched this weeks Downton Abbey…can you watch it so we can talk about it? Thanks. (I am just all in a knot about it….oy)
My dining room is literally covered up in things to take to the beach house. I pass that room and it makes me itch. I hate clutter. But this table I found at Target….I do loooooovvvvveeeee…..
Speaking of clutter….another area in my house that was making me itch….my linen closet. I literally opened it up yesterday and said out loud…”I am done with you!!!” And I started to throw things out of it. Now my car is loaded for Goodwill and all is right in the world again. I realize it isn’t a “pinworthy” closet…but I am cool with that. Sidenote: do you need some tp? I’ve got you covered.
I haven’t had any DIY-mojo lately….thinkin it is all the cold and gloomy days. Hoping it comes back soon…and I can have something really fun and unique to share. Be patient…mkay?!?! :)
The phone rings….and we never find it in time. I solved that problem by going old-school. This phone cannot be taken into another room….and the ringer makes me think I am back at my Grammie’s house again. Find it at Target.com.
I had my 2nd microdermabrasion and chemical peel yesterday. Have you tried this? I think it is the best thing since butter on a biscuit. My 40 year old skin is glowing and softer than a baby’s behind. Highly recommend it. I bought mine on Groupon for 70% off the regular price. Win win! It is like this little vacuum thingy that sucks all the dirt and dead skin off…doesn’t hurt at all. The chemical peel is not what you think either…it is like a baby wipe that smells like a wet dog. They rub it over your neck and face about 4 different times and kind of fan your face in between. There is a tingly sensation….but that is it. Very worth it….
Have you ever played Harbor MasterHD on the ipad? I am not a gamer….but this game is supposed to be a good brain challenge. I do love it..and my brain loves the exercise. All you have to do is direct the boats to the dock…but the longer you play it the more boats need docking. Fun….my high score is 71… #iamwinning :)
When I was in NYC back in September for the Miele campaign…we had breakfast in the Good Housekeeping dining room. They served this simple granola with pomegranate seeds, blueberries and some whipping cream (or vanilla yogurt…I couldn’t really tell…but it didn’t taste “yogarty” so that is what made me think it was maybe whipping cream or crème fresh maybe….) But whatever it was….I LOVED it!! I have been trying to recreate it….Kashi Go Lean granola, pom seeds, and whipping cream. Seriously the best breakfast. A nice change from egg whites…and it keeps me full all morning.
Brad Paisley concert with good friends will make you feel like you are back in college…#truth. Belly laughs will also keep you young…this is a fact…and you are working your core:) And did you know you can by cowgirl hats on Amazon for $13? Again…win win:)
And because every post must have a pictures….above are off my instagram so stop over and see more randomness there:)
Do you have any random thoughts to share??
Have a fabulous weekend friends:)

Regarding Downton Abbey … I know! I actually have seen the entire season already, except for the final episode dubbed the “Christmas Special” but I’m watching it on PBS again. This episode was a doozy and there’s more uncomfortable things to come. Without giving anything away I will say the next few episodes are pretty tough and tense with Bates and Anna.
Ohhhhhh this makes me sad!!! How did you watch it already?